CA: Seagram’s Heiress Clare Bronfman Finally Secures Legal Victory After Months of Injustice and Mistreatment

Source: 11/23/22

Falsely labeled a sex offender by Bureau of Prisons, Bronfman’s win upholds constitutional rights in cases that suggest dangerous departmental overreach

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA, November 23, 2022 / — On November 16th, after months of court proceedings against the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and a series of cases that raise questions about government and prosecutorial overreach, Seagram’s heiress Clare Bronfman successfully won the removal of a false “sex offender” label from her Case #No. 3:22CV838 file. Ms. Bronfman spent over two years in a higher security prison than her sentencing required after the BOP falsely labeled her a sex offender. Now, she and her attorneys have secured a noteworthy legal victory for the primacy of constitutional rights.

During court briefings, BOP lawyers argued that Ms. Bronfman had no standing to challenge their incorrect Pre-Sentencing Report (PSR) determination of “sex offender,” despite the fact that she was never accused or convicted of such charges. If upheld, their argument would have established a precedent against court review of similar BOP decisions, even when errant. Instead, the presiding judge ruled that Ms. Bronfman’s attorneys, Ronald Sullivan and Duncan Levin, “made a pretty convincing case that the BOP… applied this regulation wrongly.”

Bronfman was falsely labeled by BOP, which unfairly associated her with child pornography charges against her co-defendant, NXIVM founder Keith Raniere. Bronfman, who was never accused of a sex offense, pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to conceal and harbor an alien for financial gain and one count of fraudulent use of identification after the judge declined to sever her trial. The mistaken labeling not only rendered her ineligible for good behavior credits under the First Step Act but also left her vulnerable to targeted harassment and violence from fellow inmates.

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Only because of her title probably trying to rob her, its what they do!

Near the end of the article, the author writes: “multiple forensic experts have concluded that the alleged child pornography evidence was fabricated and planted, bringing both the charge – and the FBI’s credibility – into question”.

This should have been the lead sentence and warrants an equally large headline. But good for Ms. Seagram. I’ll drink to her vindication. Salud.

Luckily she is rich. The rest of us would not be able to get that undone.

Same old. Rich man gets justice, poor man gets the law.